The Buzz

Monday night was quite a trip, both literally and figuratively.  Literally speaking, my driving adventure to the Charlie Rose Agricultural Center in Fayetteville was peppered with three fender benders and more neon-bedecked “cabarets” than you can shake a...

A Green Revolution

This semester, I’m taking an Environmental Development class focused on the development of Asia, South America, and Africa.  I recently gave a presentation on the Green Revolution of India.  The Green Revolution was a movement enacted from 1967 to 1978.  Delayed...

Great Minds Think Alike

TS Designs boasts the Garden of Eat’n, a stretch of earth dedicated to fruits and vegetables grown by the lovely people of this sustainable t-shirt company.  This concept is obviously contagious because we’re not the only ones getting back in touch with...

Econ 101 Should Drive Energy Debate

Originally printed in The Charlotte Observer on August 1st. Last week I joined 6 fellow NC citizens in DC to convince our senators to pass a comprehensive energy bill. As you can probably guess, those who support it welcomed us, and those who don’t listened with...

The Golden Girl

We may be the only North Carolina-based “dirt to earth” t-shirt company whose number one priority is sustainability, but we’re not the only ones getting creative with the way we do responsible business. AuH2O, or Goldwater, as the elemental compound...