Get to Work in the Garden


It’s that time of year. Can’t you feel it?

The weather is getting a little warmer and the ground is spongy with the recent rain. We’ve been anticipating this time of year since December, when Eric and Erin designed the layout of our company garden. It’s time to prep the ground and get the Spring Garden implemented.

Last week, Tom (our CEO) and Kevin (our Elon student intern) moved our hens and one happy rooster to their summer home. The chickens worked all winter in our garden cultivating great soil, while at the same time giving us fantastic eggs. Now they have access to some great grass that has grown up from where they were in past summers.

On the calendar this weekend – tilling. Literally, it’s on the shared company calendar.

Offering a company garden gives the TS Designs team a unique shared experience (everyone pitches in), while providing the valuable benefit of free, garden-fresh produce all season long. Last year, the garden produced more than the team was able to consume and the over-abundance was shared with a local food bank.

Imagine that – fresh produce donated to the local food bank.

There’s a lot of value in a garden – and many benefit from the choice that TS Designs has made as a company.