Note: The Garden Newsletter is an internal newsletter sent to employees of TS Designs on a weekly basis. It’s purpose is to keep the team connected with activity happening in the Company Garden. TS Designs believes in supporting this endeavor as a way to stay connected to the ground and to provide an added benefit to each team member (fresh, organic produce). We’ve posted it to our blog so that you can share in our Company’s adventure in gardening, learn gardening tips and enjoy the great recipes that we share with each other!


2013-06-04 Harvest


There’s a pile of freshly harvested greens in the break room. Make sure that you take a minute to grab some before you leave today!



As promised, Erin and I tried to clean up a little bit so that there would be some more space near the eggs to place harvested goods. I hope this is working out alright.



We were going to make space in the fridge so that we can chill harvested items to keep them from spoiling too quickly. And we realized as we started that it may be best to clean out the fridge in general. So we need your help on this one…

If you have stuff in the fridge that’s ages old – toss it. If you have stuff in the fridge that you want to keep and use, could you please label it? Or if you’ve been meaning to take it home, could you make sure to do that this week?

When we get to cleaning it properly, It’s safe to assume that lunch boxes are going to be left alone…but that jar of stuff that has tri-colored mold. Yep. We’ll probably toss that!



I mentioned the square garden areas last week, and Tom mentioned that he’s using one to house some of the volunteer plants he found in the garden this season.

We were thinking about using some of the square garden plants for herbs. Basil is a definite addition to the list. And Erin mentioned mint.

But I was wondering, do you have any favorite herbs that you’d like to see planted in the garden?

Let me know!