We love sharing with our online community what kinds of prints are coming off the press on any given day. We had a huge response to a green butterfly that was designed and headed to Green 3 Apparel. You can see that beautiful design here on our Facebook page.

We enjoy supporting apparel providers like Green 3. Check out this statement from their website: “green 3 is built on a personal philosophy of honesty, environmental awareness, love of family, and a sense of childlike wonder that no one should ever outgrow.”

This particular design was an absolute wonder to watch as it was being produced. If you look carefully, the butterfly design is a complex pattern that includes three (3) different colors. Each of these colors has its own screen in the printing press – and so, watching the tees during their revolution around the press was a little mesmerizing as each few stations added a new layer of color and complexity to the design.


Green Butterfly from Green 3 Apparel


These tee shirts are available now. You can email kristen@green3apparel.com for wholesale and retail sales options. It will also be available for purchase on their website around the 2nd week of February. Keep in mind, the final product will be green. These t-shirts still have a date with our Dye Department.