We’re proud to announce that for the first time in recent memory, organic cotton is being planted in large scale in North Carolina.
Two farms in Eastern North Carolina, Parrish Farm and Hickory Meadows Organics, have planted a combined 80 acres of certified organic cotton seed to harvest this fall.
At TS Designs, we’re committed to making sure that cotton gets used right here, in North Carolina. We have partnered with manufacturers of various textile products to ensure that we can make products regardless of the staple length (the major determiner of cotton quality) of the cotton harvested from these fields.
Say hello to the two innovators who have made this great commitment to organics, Lewis Parrish and Orpha Gene Watson:

from left: Lewie Parrish of Parrish Farm, Orpha Gene Watson of Hickory Meadows Organics, and Eric Henry of TS Designs
Stay tuned to hear crop reports regarding expected quality of the cotton as the season progresses.