True Black is now available! Order today!
We’re so happy to announce that True Black is now available!
Wait. What does that mean?
It means that until now, we’ve only offered Soft Black as a color option for our t-shirt orders.
Why was that?
Because our printing technology was still being tweaked. We love our REHANCE printing method. It means that we’re able to print colors on dark t-shirt colors without using harsh chemicals. It’s a feat that most printers can’t pull off and still claim to be earth-friendly.
So, what’s difference?
Here’s the deal: we’re never satisfied with the status quo. We love moving forward and out doing ourselves. We love making our process better, faster and more efficient. And we recently tweaked our formula so that we can include True Black (a really, really dark color) in our list of available t-shirt colors.
Why the big announcement?
People love our Soft Black and it has been a really popular option, but we can’t tell you how many customers ask if we offer a True Black. Now we do.
What does it look like?
Well, just take a look for yourself. We’ve got a recent order for Weaver Street Market pictured as an example. The top print is on True Black. The bottom print is on Navy.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know! You can Request a Quote through our options page or you can email us directly!